We’re leading the fight to save wolves coast to coast, including legal challenges to a Trump rule that ended wolf protection across most of the lower 48 states.
We’re also mobilizing our vast grassroots network to fight cruel wolf-killing sprees in Idaho, Montana
and Wisconsin.
In the pristine Arctic in 2021, we helped overturn a plan for a sprawling oil and gas project slated for the heart of habitat for polar bears, caribou and migratory birds.
Farther south in Alaska, after a lawsuit by the Center and partners, a federal court rejected a proposal by oil and gas company Hilcorp Alaska LLC to hurt and harass Cook Inlet beluga whales and other marine mammals.
The number of acres of protected habitat we’ve secured since 1989
The number of animals and plants we’ve put on the endangered species list since 1989
After winning protection for more than 700,000 acres of jaguar habitat in the southwestern United States, we’ve now helped identify 20 million more acres of potential habitat in Arizona and New Mexico for this stunning-but-rare cat.
Few species are as graceful and iconic — and troubled — as the monarch butterfly, with a heartbreaking decline of 99.9% west of the Rockies.
We’re leading the effort to protect monarchs under the Endangered Species Act and have been instrumental in organizing support for a congressional bill to provide $125 million for on-the-ground conservation projects to stabilize and save these backyard beauties.
We’re transforming the mandate of our public lands through efforts to protect 30% by 2030 and half by 2050 — a vital step to protect wildlife and wild places from the chaos of climate change.
In 2021 we helped overturn a Trump plan to mine 10 million acres of greater sage grouse habitat in Nevada and Idaho; we also halted a sweeping clearcut logging project in grizzly and lynx habitat near Yellowstone National Park.
Sea turtles, birds, fish, plants – we fight for them all. In 2021 we won protection for nearly 300,000 acres of habitat for one of the Southwest’s rarest birds, the western yellow-billed cuckoo, and safeguarded nearly 370 river miles for the colorful candy darter, an endangered fish in Virginia and West Virginia.
Part of winning for wildlife is shaping the national narrative, moving quickly to help journalists understand what’s at stake in the news cycle every day, and holding politicians and government officials accountable at every turn.
After years of Center advocacy and legal action, the EPA in 2021 finally agreed to phase out the endocrine-disrupting pesticide propazine, which is linked to increased risk of cancer and can chemically castrate frogs even at low concentrations. Propazine likely harms or kills 64 endangered species, including whooping cranes and ocelots.
We’re in the most critical moment in human history. What we do now and in the coming decade will determine the future of life on Earth. We must fight and we must win. There’s simply — literally — no alternative. Learn more about our work and how you can get involved.